Invite Monarchs to Your Garden with Milkweed

The free milkweed seed box in the Monarch habitat in the 3400 block of NE 24th Ave. is stocked with seed packets and information to get you growing. It is located in the parking strip along the soccer field parking lot between Garden Fever and The Madeleine School. Watch for the new post-mounted seed box coming soon! Hundreds of seed packets have already been picked up this season which means lots more habitat for Portland and Monarch butterflies.

“For every 160 Monarchs in the 1980’s, There is only ONE today.”

“If each homeowner converted half their lawn to Native plants, collectively it would be larger than the Everglades, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Tetons, Canyonland, Denali, Grand Canyon, Mt. Rainier, Sequoia, North Cascades, Badlands, Olympic, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Parks COMBINED.” Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy (ref.)

Douglas Tallamy’s philosophy will revolutionize your concept of gardens. His work, pictured above, Nature’s Best Hope is maybe the most important book of our time. I highly recommend it to people wanting to invite wildlife to their gardens and save the planet! Also, buy your books locally!


Breaking Ground at Washington Park


The Good News Just Keeps Getting Better: Wings Over Washington Park